Heroic Public Speaking

When Heroic Public Speaking transitioned from a home office to a corporate setting, the company enlisted Floss Barber, Inc. to turn a former indoor soccer facility into a headquarters and training center. The 6,300-square-foot space accommodates a full-time staff of seven and classes for up to 75 participants. The casual and comfortable environment provides small and large group settings for public speaking, performing, and corporate training sessions, along with staff offices and a café.
The design establishes a branded space that reflects the Heroic Public Speaking culture. The clean aesthetic uses a neutral black and white palette with accents of blue and red. Extensive use of interior glass partitions and simple lighting create a feeling of openness and collaboration. Although visitors can immediately see and sense the energy and activity in each training room, careful attention paid to acoustics provides a comfortable aural ambiance.
The building’s Delaware Riverside location in Lambertville, N.J., impacted interior materials finish choices. Flood plain restrictions prohibited the use of carpet or wood doors. Simple, durable materials – vinyl tile flooring, glass partitions – offer both efficiency of maintenance and cost while being mindful of the flood plain. The interior glass also compensates for the building’s few windows, allowing light to filter throughout the spaces.
Heroic Public SpeakingWe now have a space that feels like us, brands us, represents us, and advances our brand in ways we could not have ever imagined. We are eternally grateful to the kind and generous team at Floss Barber for their talent, craft, dedication, and extensive experience.”
Michael Port, Chairman, Heroic Public Speaking